Wednesday, February 15, 2017


  The large red sun set on the grassy horizon that seemed to stretch out to the sun. Her eyes followed the sun as it moved slowly, slipping into the other side of the world. Her dark brown eyes sparkled like the star itself, but with even more warmth than the sun’s baking rays. Once the sun had been covered by streaks of crimson, violet and indigo, she stretched herself out on the roof. A breath of soft wind danced past her.

A strand of hair stood away from the rest, just as she did form the rest of the neighborhood. She was the only one on a roof for miles she liked to think that she was the only girl on the world on a roof because it has always been a thought and possibility. Little kids would be staring out the window at the sunset, couples would be sitting on a hill to watch the sun slowly fade away, but this girl, this roof climber would sit on a roof to watch the sunset.

One final ray of sunlight shined on the fading streaks of sky. It took her one second to realize that it was a star, a tiny star, trying to be seen.She thought of all the stars all the big stars, big stars that people made wishes on and named after their loved ones. She thought of all the little, unknown, ignored stars as roof-climbers like her. The different ones. Maybe even rebels. She looked around herself and saw the crimson and violet streaks of sky, stars were sprouting everywhere like glowing, magical flowers. Stars were everywhere large stars, small stars, twinkling stars, fading stars, any type of star that you could think of it was there. Her eyes found the one first star. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her legs as if afraid of falling out of herself. She made one wish, just one. Her voice whispered into the evening air, twisting into the breeze. “I wish I could just explore the world.”

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